samedi 19 mars 2011

AGI Newsletter, March 2011

The newsletter on March 2011 of Africa Governance Institute extends the work of knowledge management and collective intelligence on Aid Effectiveness and Mutual Accountability committed in the context of the fourth High Level Forum (HLF) on Aid Effectiveness to be held in Busan (Republic of Korea), from November 29 to December 1, 2011.

For AGI, the achievement of these goals requires a true paradigm shift among both development partners and African partners.

For development partners, Ownership shall be supported at every different levels of governance. This involves reversing the structural logic of their actions in partner countries, where they have a major influence on the decision process regarding expenditures policy choices and the development of the conditions attached to these stakes.

For African partner countries, the challenge is twofold. On the one hand, it is about admitting that the lack of obvious progress in governance deeply impacts on building the confidence necessary to strengthen aid alignment and development of an approach crossing Top Down and Bottom Up logics in shared and legitimate programs. On the other hand, it is about keeping in mind the principle that aid should only be a supplement to support the implementation of programs primarily funded on local resources mobilization.

The two first articles of this newsletter illustrate this necessary dynamic. Meanwhile, the last papers raise the question of datas, which are vital to the previous outlined issues. Thus, they allow to get back to the work of knowledge management and collective intelligence on Developmental Governance.

See the integral text and other issues on AGI’s website.

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